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describe a person from his/her name


HD video, sound
35 min 07sec
2015 (Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan)

HD ビデオ, ステレオ
35 分 07 秒
2015年 (Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan)

It is the video of the workshop I did in Taiwan.In the workshop, participants are shown my name "清水玲(Ryo Shimizu)" and asked to imagine and discuss this person's personality , nationality , sex, facial feature, occupation as much as they can read/feel from the written name. They don't know me.

曹良賓(Tsao Liang-Bin)

黃宜品 (Huang Yi-Pin)
王慈霙 (Wang Tzu-Ying)
簡芝珊 (Chien Zhi-Shan)
呂惟 (Lu Wei)
范淇暢 (Fan Qi-Chang)
王家緯 (Wang Chia-Wei)
李劼 (Lee Jie)

production:camera operator:
洪明化 (Travis Hung), Ryo Shimizu (清水玲)

Assistant facilitator:
(蔡宛穎 Tsai Wan-Ying)

Post production:Editing:
Ryo Shimizu (清水玲)

[Mandarin] Treasure Hill Artist Village
[English] Taiwan Trans Co.,Ltd


