When Dialogues Become Form:

Mixed media installation
Variable size
(Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan)
ミクストメディア インスタレーション
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2月7日から4月26日までの約3ヶ月間をいくつかの段階に分け、滞在中のリサーチや関連するワークショップなどを通じて何かを加えたり差し引いたりしながら有機的な場を構築していく。ここ Treasure Hill における建築の新陳代謝のような。


会場であるCross Galleryは、文字通り様々な視点が交差する場となり、そこでの対話の蓄積が、私の予期しない「かたち」になることを期待している。

How much distance is there between the written history and the actual history?
I have been researching the history of Japan and also its historical relationships with the Asian countries from 2011.
Here in Taiwan, I am interested in the atmosphere of the city and the life of citizen during the period of Japanese rule, especially from the point of view of the ones who followed or rebelled, rather than the view of the government or the military force.
During the residency, I research about the period of Japanese rule and investigate the invisible spaces in the history through my key themes, architecture and language. The exhibition will be on-going open studio where I share dialogue with the viewers to evoke the historical perceptions of each other.
There will be three different stages during the exhibition period (Feb 7 - Apr 26). In each stage, I will organically construct the space by adding or reducing the elements of my research or by hosting workshops. This attempt may resemble the metabolism of the Treasure Hill itself.
My Open studio consists of four video works produced in 2014, fragments of my past works, research materials, found souvenirs, everyday objects, books and the furniture or the left materials in the THAV storage.
The videos are about the air field built near the Fuji River in Japan at the end of World War II, the survival issue of the Wakajiishi Shrine in Fujinomiya City which enshrine the soldiers killed in the war and the interviews on Mt. Fuji which is commonly said as symbol of Japan.
Using these materials as the trigger for dialogue, I would like to talk with the visitors about my work, characters, languages, architectures and the names.
My attempt is to hint something hidden in the gaps in the history by structuring multiple visual and audio materials for example videos and its subtitles, documents of my research, written texts, voices and hand writings of conversations.
The Cross Gallery will be the cross point of the different views and I expect the accumulation of the dialogues gradually shapes an unpredictable form.

© ryoshimizu.jp