Back to square one

| Informations, Exhibitions


今回の作品「Back to square one」は、かつて劇場として町内の娯楽の場として利用されていた寄居座の特徴を活かしながら、映像や構造物や彫刻、ドローイング、収集物などを織り交ぜながら構成されています。私が神山滞在中に訪ねて歩き、目で見て、観察し、学び、手を動かした痕跡を追体験できるような舞台装置、あるいは神話やこの地に残る様々な伝承やエピソードを想起させ、重ね合わせ、再構成したようなある種の「仮説」といえるかもしれません。

日程|10月29日 – 11月5日, 11月11日 &12日
日時|【平日】12時〜16時 【土日祝】10時〜16時

The Kamiyama Artist-in-Residence 2023 program in Kamiyama, where I have been staying since late August.
An exhibition was held to present the results of the program.
I am working on a new installation at the theater Yoriza.

The work in this exhibition, "Back to square one," is composed of a mixture of video, structures, sculptures, drawings, and collected objects, while utilizing the characteristics of Yoriza, which was once used as a theater for entertainment in the town. It may be a stage set-up that allows visitors to relive the traces of my visits, walking, seeing, observing, learning, and working with my hands during my stay in Kamiyama, or it may be a kind of "hypothesis" that evokes, overlaps, and reconstructs myths and various folklore and episodes that remain in this region.

