Solo show “grassroots prophet”

| Exhibitions

1 月 16 日(火) から 2 月 15 日(木)まで東京・代官山の LOKO GALLERY で個展「grassroots prophet」を開催します。
本展は第10回恵比寿映像祭「インヴィジブル」との地域連携プログラムとして、LOKO GALLERYが日本とイスラエルのアーティストによる2つの個展をキュレーションした企画「Displace」の1つめの展覧会でもあります。
今回の個展では、台湾でのレジデンスをきっかけに知り合った、日本統治時代の台湾で生まれた"湾生"と呼 ばれる日本人へのインタビューを基に、「逆さ歌おばあちゃん」として知られる中田芳子さんとのセッションなども取り入れた映像作品を中心に、2層吹き抜けのギャラリー空間を利用したインスタレーションを展開します。

grassroots prophet

2018 年 1 月 16 日(火) - 2 月 15 日(木)

[火 - 土] 11:00 ‒ 19:00
[日・月・祝] 休廊

2月10日(土)19:00 -
ゲスト:小澤慶介 氏

第 10 回 恵比寿映像祭

I am having a solo show starting from 16 January to 15 February at LOKO Gallery in Daikanyama, Tokyo.

This exhibition is also the first exhibition of "Displace" the gallery curated two solo exhibitions by Japanese and Israeli artists as the partnership program of The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions "Invisible".
The title of this exhibition, "grassroots prophet" (nameless prophet) came from the idea that I thought of about "a reverse causal relationship", that is, the past has no influence on the present or the future, and if the future is affecting the past, how ordinary people like us influence the past?
In this exhibition, I mainly considers the interviews with "Wansei"(Japanese who was born in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial era) whom the artist met during in the artist residency in Taiwan. I will also show a session with a Wansei, Ms.Yoko Nakada, known as "Reverse singing grandma" and the video work in the installation using the multi-layered structure of the gallery space.

Ryo Shimizu
grassroots prophet

16 Jan. Tue. - 15 Feb. Thr. 2018
Open: Tue- Sat 11:00 - 19:00
Closed: Sun, Mon

Artist Talk
10 Feb. Sat. 19:00 -

Yebisu International Festival
for Art & Alternative Visions 2018
"Mapping the Invisible"
The partnership program “Displace” vol.1

